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Baby formula shortage has parents scrambling

[KARE 11 News, May 03, 2022] The baby formula shortage has been going on for months with no indication when it might end. In the meantime, pediatricians are sharing some tips. Dr. Eric Barth from Allina Health's Ramsey clinic says, in most cases, it's okay to switch brands and even types of formula. For instance, babies who needed a sensitive formula as newborns might not need it at 6 or 9 months.

"There's an old saying, 'any port in a storm,'" Barth said. "Well, 'any port in a storm' means, in this case, any formula will do. The one exception might be … for babies who truly have a problem with either an allergy or an intolerance to regular formulas."

Posted on May 03, 2022 in PediatricsPediatrics

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