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"My Allina Health Story" series earns regional Emmy® Award

[Allina Health Newsroom, October 20, 2024] Hearing your name follow the phrase, “And the Emmy goes to ...” is pretty amazing.

One of the biggest treats in October was Allina Health’s win at the 25th Annual Upper Midwest Regional Emmy Awards Gala on Oct. 19.

Our patient series, “My Allina Health Story,” earned the Emmy for health/medical content, besting competition from regional TV stations and syndicated programs produced in the Midwest.

The “My Allina Health Story” series features videos of patients telling their stories in their own words, produced and edited by members of the Allina Health Newsroom.

Health journeys featured in the Emmy entry include Minnesota's Dragon Divas; former Governor Mark Dayton; Clara, Allina Health and Children’s Minnesota first in-utero surgery patient; and Becca, a mother whose twins were helped by Minnesota Perinatal Physicians, part of Allina Health, to overcome a life-threatening condition called placenta accreta.

The Emmy represents many things to members of the Allina Health Newsroom, including what a privilege it is to highlight the work of doctors, nurses and other care team members whose expertise creates healthier lives and communities.

Posted on October 20, 2024 in

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