I authorize Allina Health (“Allina Health” includes Allina Health providers and Allina Health affiliated providers) to review my health numbers. This data may include but is not limited to blood glucose levels, blood pressure, weight, and body mass index.
Sending my health numbers is not intended for urgent situations when I have symptoms that need immediate attention. If I feel that my symptoms or health numbers are significant, I will seek medical care right away.
I will not send health numbers that are not my own. I will provide accurate and correct health numbers to my health care provider.
Sending my health numbers through Non-Allina Health software is not a substitute for medical care or emergency care.
Allina Health does not have to use or rely on any of the health numbers that are sent to provide health or medical advice or services to me.
Information contained in BlueStar is not automatically entered into my medical record. However, if my provider chooses to include some portion of the data in my healthcare record, it will be retained and used in accordance with the Allina Health Notice of Privacy Practices.
Allina Health is not responsible for the performance of Non-Allina Health software, including a loss or breach of data while making my health numbers accessible to Allina Health. Allina Health has no control over Non-Allina Health software privacy and security safeguards. I am responsible for protecting my health numbers by locking and securing the device I use for Non-Allina Health software.
Allina Health or I may decide in the future that my health numbers will no longer be monitored. I may choose to close my BlueStar account. Then my health numbers will no longer be accessible to Allina Health.
I understand this document and consent freely and voluntarily. I consent to my health numbers being sent from Non-Allina Health software to Allina Health. I have reviewed and understood the explanation of how my health numbers may be used.
This document is in effect as long as I am using the BlueStar app.
I have read and agree to all of the above statements.