Allina Health's Patient Education Department
Delivery address
2925 Chicago Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55407-1321
Mailing address
Box 43
Minneapolis, MN 55440-0043
The content leads from these and other clinical areas assist with the medical review process. They work closely with physicians and other medical experts to verify that patient education material is current and accurate.
Advance care planning: Katy Hentges, NP-C, Clinical Director for Palliative Care and System End of Life; Vivian Anugwom, MHA, MS, CHES, director, Health Equity and Patient Education
Blood transfusion: Alana Sutherland, technical consultant, central lab, Allina Health Laboratory
Cardiovascular care: Pam Rush, clinical programs director, Cardiovascular clinical service line; Andrea Sweeney, manager, cardiovascular operations, Allina Health Minneapolis Heart Institute
Community wellness: Sydney Hobart, Community Health Improvement Consultant, Community Benefit and Engagement
Courage Kenny Kids: Sara Rohde, OT, manager Courage Kenny Kids
Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute: Lori Froehling, PT, MS, director of rehabilitation therapies, Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute
Diabetes: Dawn McCarter, RN, BSN, CDE, manager, diabetes education
Geriatrics: Kathleen Woo-Rippe, MD, Allina Health Fridley Clinic
Grief: Michele Dettloff, MA, grief counselor, Allina Health Hospice
Heart failure: Pam Rush, clinical programs director, Cardiovascular clinical service line
Heart and kidney transplant: Sarah Kaspari, director, transplant / organ failure care coordinator, transplantation department, Abbott Northwestern Hospital
Hospice Care and Palliative Care: Katy Hentges, NP-C, Clinical Director for Palliative Care and System End of Life
Infection control: Brianna Green, MSN, RN, CIC, Infection Preventionist, Allina Health Infection Prevention Program
Integrative health: Anne D. Murray, program manager, Penny George Institute for Health and Healing
Laboratory medicine and pathology: Gina Line, Outreach Lab coordinator, and Kate Peterson, system laboratory medical director, Allina Health Laboratory
Medications: Mckaya Kastner, PharmD, MBA, BCPS, director of pharmacy, Allina Health Group; Ann Byre, PharmD, vice president, Pharmacy Services
Mental health: Marybeth Lardizabal, DO, VP, Mental Health clinical service line, Allina Health Mental Health and Addiction Services
Nutrition: Shirley Winslett, RDN, LD, Allina Health Clinical Nutrition Managers Council
Obstetrics: Erica Kamish, RN, BSN, MA, MBA, patient safety and quality, Mother Baby clinical service line
Oncology: Mary Olson, RN, MA, NPD-BC, clinical educator, Allina Health Cancer Institute
Orthopedics: Meghan Schenian, RN, BSN, Orthopedic clinical practice coordinator
Ostomy: Sherilyn Votaw, RN, WOCN, Mercy Hospital-Mercy Campus
Pain management: Kate Radmer, MS, MBA, CPHQ, Patient Safety & Quality Advisor, Neuroscience, Spine, and Pain Institute
Pediatrics: Kurt Elting-Ballard, MD, Allina Health Ambulatory Pediatrics Council
Sleep disorders: Andrew Stiehm, MD, United Hospital, United Hospital – Hastings Regina Campus, Owatonna Hospital, New Ulm Medical Center
Stroke care: Angelina Buerck, RN, clinical program specialist, Abbott Northwestern Hospital
Tobacco: Gabrielle Coleman, tobacco intervention coordinator, Penny George Institute for Health and Healing; Karina DiLuzio, tobacco intervention coordinator, Penny George Institute for Health and Healing; Julee Moorlag, tobacco intervention coordinator, health improvement and wellness, Mercy Hospital-Mercy Campus
Weight management: Deborah Vanderhall BS, RN, CBN, program manager, Abbott Northwestern Hospital Bariatric Center