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Genetic counseling enables you to make choices consistent with your personal beliefs and values. A goal of genetic counseling is to help you make the best possible adjustment to decisions about testing, having children and any possible risks.
Our genetic counselors are specially trained in medical genetics and counseling. They offer support and can connect patients with other supportive agencies or resources.
Your counselor will ask about family health information and use that information to identify possible risk factors. If any risk factors are identified, the counselor will provide you with medical facts, and explain how the condition is diagnosed and managed. The counselor will also inform you if the condition is hereditary and how likely it could occur in your family.
Your physician may refer you to our counselors or you may make an appointment directly. Most health insurance plans cover the costs for genetic counseling, but it is best to check before your appointment. Most often, patients are seen at the Perinatal Clinic, or in the hospital when necessary. Most appointments take about one hour, but can range from 30 minutes to two hours.