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Allina Health Minneapolis Heart Institute at Welia Health – Mora

Allina Health Minneapolis Heart Institute at Welia Health – Mora




301 S Hwy 65
Welia Health
Mora, MN 55051
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The number one killer in the United States, cardiovascular disease affects the heart and blood vessels. Our experts can identify, treat and help you manage cardiac conditions.
This new tool uses a special type of CT scanner to get a three-dimensional view of your blood vessels. This allows doctors to see whether plaque has built up in the artery wall that may cause a future heart attack or symptoms.
An echocardiogram is a test that uses sound waves to create a moving picture of the heart.
If a pacemaker or ICD (implantable cardioverter defibrillator) helps to regulate your heartbeat, we can help you make sure your cardiac device is working properly. Our experts can evaluate your cardiac device and adjust settings so that you benefit the most.
Stress echocardiography is a test that uses ultrasound imaging to determine how the heart muscles respond to stress. It is mainly used to diagnose and evaluate coronary artery disease.

Did you know?

Dr. Kevin Harris discusses heart health screening results with a patient.

Cutting out just one cigarette a day can lower a smoker's risk of a heart attack. But if you stop smoking completely, in a year your risk of heart disease will be just half that of a smoker's. Get your heart tested today. Call 320-679-1313 to make an appointment.