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In the community

Community partnerships

Owatonna Hospital is proud to serve the community beyond health care needs. Learn how Owatonna Hospital is dedicated to giving back to the community through various partnerships and projects.

Allina Health Heart Safe Communities Logo

Heart Safe Communities Project

Heart Safe Communities is an initiative to increase survival from sudden cardiac

Families in the community Buffalo Hospital serves

Community giving

Our Community Giving Campaign participation compares favorably to other local health care organizations by offering giving options to meet everyone's needs.

thumb speaker thumbnail

Speaker’s Bureau

The Speaker’s Bureau is a complimentary service offered to community groups within Steele County. Our speakers are health care professionals who enjoy spreading the word about wellness and promoting the health of our community.

HealthySetGo articles about health care written by doctors at Allina Health

Healthy Set Go

The thought-provoking articles you love just got a medical degree.