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Cancer research


Allina Health is dedicated to staying on the cutting edge of cancer research. We offer patients the opportunity to participate in promising new treatments for cancer within their own hospital or clinic setting. 

Our partnership with the Allina Health Cancer Institute (AHCI) has granted us opportunities to expand our research efforts. AHCI is a regional referral center conducting high quality clinical trials for patients with or at risk for cancer. We also offer National Cancer Institute-sponsored research studies at our Allina Health institutions through the nonprofit Metro-Minnesota Community Oncology Research Consortium (MMCORC).

In addition to clinical trials, we conduct internal oncology research studies to develop and test methods to enhance patient care, manage side effects of cancer treatments, and improve the effectiveness of cancer diagnostics and treatments. We also contribute to advancing oncology care through public forums and interviews, presentations at scientific conferences, and publications of our study results in professional journals.

Patients and study participants

Our Allina Health Cancer Institute clinic’s dedicated research staff carefully screen patients who are interested in and eligible for cancer research studies.

Participation in a research study is voluntary and patients must agree to participate before enrollment in a study. Before a study begins, volunteers must meet specific criteria. These criteria include factors such as type and stage of cancer, safety parameters and general health status. These are to ensure that the study will be safe for participants, that risks are in line with potential benefits to patients, and that researchers will be able to answer the questions they plan to study.

Those who participate in a clinical trial may have the opportunity to receive first access to the newest treatments and medication.

Being a participant in a research study is a unique opportunity to play an active role in health care and lend a helping hand to others by contributing to medical research.