Taking care of our environment is critical to ensure good health for our patients, employees and our community. Abbott Northwestern Hospital has taken many steps to reduce electricity usage and lower greenhouse gas emissions. More is on the way as we continue with major infrastructure projects.
The new Central Utility Plant provides heating, cooling, power, and water for our hospital campus. We replaced an aging and less efficient system with a new, cleaner, highly efficient system. During construction of the CUP, we employed pollution control equipment to protect neighborhood air quality.
The Purple Parking Ramp is a transportation hub for multiple modes of transportation, a community solar garden and more.
Pollinator Plantings
With the help of a Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO) Action Grant of $50,000, Allina Health planted native, pollinator-friendly plantings along the Purple Parking Ramp’s 5,000-square-foot slope near the Midtown Greenway. The new pollinator habitat includes carefully selected plants based on their bloom time and ability to grow well and prevent erosion on a steep slope. A host of vibrant pollinator plantings—purple coneflower, Muskingum dogwood, rough blazing star, to name a few—now greets hospital patients and local residents.
Learn more about these pollinator-friendly plantings.
Community Solar Garden
Cooperative Energy Futures built a solar roof on the Purple Parking Ramp. This community solar garden allows residents to subscribe to solar power and get a credit on their Xcel Energy bill. Approximately one megawatt of electricity is generated by our solar garden. That’s enough energy to power 150-180 homes.
Image of the community solar garden on the roof of the Purple Parking Ramp. Source: Eagle Eye Photography
Community Promenade
Along the Midtown Greenway, a sidewalk promenade connects Chicago Avenue and Elliot Avenue. This space creates a more vibrant street level and is adjacent to a pollinator garden with native plants that will attract pollinators and manage storm water.
Concept drawing of a new promenade along the Transportation Hub on Chicago Avenue, adjacent to the Greenway.
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Multi-modal transportation includes a variety of ways travelers get to and from their destination. We are doing our part to help get our employees to work while also reducing transport emissions.
Alternatives to Driving to Work Alone - FLEXcommute
In November 2019, Allina Health launched a commuter program called FLEXcommute, powered by Luum, to promote alternatives to driving to work alone.
Walking and Biking
Learn more about environmental sustainability efforts at Abbott Northwestern Hospital and Allina Health.