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Abbott Northwestern Hospital campus revitalization

Emergency department entrance

Please note: The entrance to the Emergency Department is now at the Piper Building on the corner of 26th Street and 10th Avenue. Follow signs to the west side entrance (access from 26th Street) if you are driving or walking to the Emergency Department.

We’re building the future of health care! Construction at the Abbott Northwestern Hospital campus will affect your arrival and access points: 

Valet parking & drop-off/pick-up

Use the temporary main entrance at the Main Hospital West Building. To reach it, turn left from East 28th Street, just east of Chicago Avenue.


Park in the Purple Ramp by entering from Chicago Avenue or eastbound East 28th Street. Find the ramp lobby on Level 3 to access the skyway. You may walk to the hospital campus or catch a free ride through the skyway via our electric cart service, available 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. weekdays, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. 

Get details and campus map.

We've undertaken a major initiative to ensure that the Abbott Northwestern Hospital campus will be equipped to provide advanced care for the next 50 years and continue our commitment to the south Minneapolis neighborhood we've called home since 1882. This initiative will:

  • Strengthen the hospital's position as a national center for advanced subspecialty care while preserving its importance as a community hospital.
  • Enhance access to groundbreaking treatments for millions of people locally and across our region.
  • Advance the quality and experience of care.
  • Accelerate renewal in the Phillips neighborhood.
  • Meet globally recognized sustainability standards to improve efficiency, save money, reduce emissions, minimize environmental impact, and support health and well-being.

The project includes a new building for patient care and two new infrastructure buildings that will support the entire hospital campus and surrounding neighborhood.

Construction rendering of changes to Abbott Northwestern Hospital Campus

Future campus map showing locations of the new surgical and critical care building, Purple Parking Ramp and Central Utility Plant.

Read more about each new building below.

Central Utility Plant Meeting

Central Utility Plant Community Meeting presentation

A community meeting about the Central Utility Plant and our revitalization projects was held on October 30, 2024. To view the presentation, click the link below.

Surgical and critical care for the future

West Elevation of forthcoming Surgical and Critical Care Pavilion at Abbott Northwestern Hospital

Architectural rendering of the surgical and critical care building.

See construction progress here:
Camera 1 | Camera 2

The 575,000-square-foot surgical and critical care building is the largest facilities project in Allina Health's history. It will contain 30 future-flexible operating rooms that support the rapid evolution of medical technology and surgical technique, as well as four floors of technology-enabled single-occupant patient rooms with enhanced features for accessibility and comfort. As Allina Health's first LEED-certified building, the surgical and critical care building will meet globally recognized standards for environmental sustainability.

The surgical and critical care building is scheduled to open in 2026. See the amazing progress.

Two videos created by our construction partner, Mortenson, highlight campus construction progress:

Building the Future of Care: Adding Value with Prefabrication

Planning and Sequencing a Major Healthcare Campus Renovation

Purple Parking Ramp

Architectural rendering of new transportation hub

Concept drawing of the Purple Parking Ramp at E. 28th St. and Chicago Ave. S. near the Midtown Greenway trail.


A transportation hub for more than 200,000 patients who come to Abbott Northwestern Hospital for care each year and Allina Health employees who commute by car, bus and bike. The Purple Parking Ramp:

  • Includes charging stations for electric vehicles.
  • Supports bike commuting with lockers, bike storage, showers and an entrance to the nearby Midtown Greenway trail.
  • Enhances the appearance and vitality of Chicago Ave. and the sidewalk along the Midtown Greenway with new lighting, street-level office space for community organizations, and native plants that attract pollinators and filter stormwater.

  • Reduces congestion by getting vehicles off neighborhood streets.

  • Improves safety by relocating overhead power lines underground.


The ramp is complete and open for all modes of transportation. A rooftop community solar garden will be installed by the end of 2024.


  • Cooperative Energy Futures will build a community solar garden on the ramp roof by the end of 2024. Community solar gardens enable area residents to subscribe to solar power and get a credit on their Xcel Energy bill. This community solar garden will generate approximately one megawatt of electricity. That’s enough energy to power 150-180 homes in the neighborhood.
  • With the help of a Mississippi Watershed Management Organization grant, we installed native, pollinator-friendly plants along the ramp’s expansive slope near the Midtown Greenway. The pollinator habitat includes plants selected for their bloom time, as well as their ability to thrive and prevent erosion. A host of vibrant pollinator plants—purple coneflower, Muskingum dogwood, rough blazing star, to name a few—now greets hospital patients and local residents. These plants:

    • Reduce storm water while decreasing erosion
    • Support the lives of pollinators
    • Add to the vibrancy of the Midtown-Phillips neighborhood 

Learn more about sustainable landscaping and other environmental sustainability efforts at Abbott Northwestern Hospital.

Central Utility Plant (CUP)

Architect's rendering of new central utility plant at Abbott Northwestern Hospital

Central Utility Plant at 26th Street and Chicago Avenue


Our new Central Utility Plant (CUP) enables us to replace 1950s-era energy and steam-producing equipment with modern technology that is cleaner, more reliable and energy-efficient. It provides heating, cooling, power and water for the entire Abbott Northwestern Hospital campus.


A new building at the corner of Chicago Ave. S. and E. 26th St.


This project is complete.


  • We use steam to sterilize medical instruments and heat our buildings. The CUP generates steam for Abbott Northwestern Hospital, the Children’s Minnesota – Minneapolis campus and other neighbors. Sharing this resource creates an efficient local energy-distribution district. 
  • In the event of a major power outage, the CUP's three new energy-efficient generators use less fuel than our old emergency generators.
  • The CUP features rainwater-capture systems to reduce strain on the local stormwater system. 

Learn more about environmental sustainability efforts at Abbott Northwestern Hospital.

Open communication is vital

We're committed to keeping you informed and gathering your feedback throughout our campus revitalization project.

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For questions, concerns or ideas, call the Abbott Northwestern Hospital campus development phone line: 612-262-1010

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Project website: Visit this page for information updates.

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Follow us on Twitter @ANWhospital

Community commitment

As we make improvements to Abbott Northwestern Hospital, our dedication to our neighbors and community is stronger than ever.

Environmental sustainability

Taking care of our environment is another important way Allina Health supports good health for our community.

News and other updates

Follow what neighbors, media and community partners are saying about the Abbott Northwestern Hospital revitalization project.