Your rights and responsibilities with Allina Health’s oncology nurse navigation team

You have rights and responsibilities when you partner with your oncology nurse navigation team. Following these will help you take an active role in your health care, well-being and recovery.

Allina Health does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, gender identity or sex.

Your Rights

You have a right to:

  • see information about Allina Health, including:
    • programs and services offered
    • staff qualifications
    • contracts Allina Health has with others
  • ·not participate in oncology nurse navigation services
  • decide to leave the program at any time
  • know the names of your oncology nurse navigator and other team members you are working with
  • request a change in oncology nurse navigator or any other team member at any time
  • receive support from your oncology nurse navigation team members when you and your health care provider make decisions about your health
  • receive information about all services that are available, even ones that your insurance provider will not pay for
  • talk about all of your options with your health care provider(s)
  • have full privacy:
    • all medical and personal information will not be shared unless you agree to it
    • know who outside of Allina Health has access to your information
    • know how Allina Health protects your privacy, security and confidentiality
  • be treated with courtesy and respect
  • have free aids and services to communicate effectively, such as:
    • qualified sign language interpreters
    • written information in other formats (large print, audio, accessible electronic formats, other formats)
  • have free language services if your primary language is not English, such as:
    • qualified interpreters
    • information written in other languages.
  • make a formal complaint and suggest changes in oncology nurse navigation’s services without fear of being retaliated against. You will receive a response to your complaint within seven days. Your complaint will be resolved within 30 days.

Your Responsibilities

You are responsible to:

  • follow the plan you and members of your cancer care team created
  • tell members of your cancer care team if you cannot follow your plan
  • give members of your oncology nurse navigation team information they need to help provide care
  • tell members of your oncology nurse navigation team or cancer care team if you no longer want this service
  • ask questions when you hear or read something you do not understand.

For Concerns About Your Care

  • Talk with a member of your oncology nurse navigation team or cancer care team.
  • Call the Allina Health Integrity Line at 1-800-472-9301. (You can call without giving your name.)


Source: Allina Health's Patient Education Department, Your Rights and Responsibilities With Allina Health’s Oncology Nurse Navigation Team, can-ah-110059
Reviewed By: Allina Health's Patient Education Department experts
First Published: 1/12/23
Last Reviewed: 12/12/22