Getting in and out of bed
Practice getting in and out of bed the day before your surgery.
General tips
- Use your arms as little as possible.
- Avoid twisting your upper body.
- Don't hold your breath when moving.
- Raise the head of your bed.
Getting out of bed

- Hug your pillows.
- Roll onto your side.
- Dangle your feet over the edge of your bed.
- Use your elbows to raise your upper body.
- Use your legs to pull yourself into a sitting position.
Remember: Exhale as you sit up.
Getting into bed

- Ask someone to put the siderails down.
- Sit close to the head of your bed.
- Hug your pillow.
- Lie down on your side.
- Bring your legs up onto the bed.
- Roll onto the bed.
Remember: Don't hold your breath when getting into bed.
Getting in and out of a chair

Practice getting in and out of a chair the day before your surgery.
Getting out of a chair
- Slide or wiggle your bottom toward the edge of a chair.
- Place your feet apart for a wide base of support.
- Put your head forward so your nose is over your toes.
- Put your hands on your thighs above your knees.
- Stand up by using your leg muscles.
- Do not use your hands to push off the chair.

Getting into a chair
- Back up to the chair until your legs touch the chair.
- Lean your upper body forward.
- Place your hands on your thighs for stability.
- Bend your knees and squat down slowly until you are sitting in the chair.
Remember: Keep your feet apart for a wide base of support.