sitting can take a great toll on our health—from elevating the risk of
serious disease to impacting weight, energy, strength
and flexibility. When you sit all day, your leg and hip muscles tighten, and
the muscles that support your spine become weak and stiff. You lose out on the
hundreds of muscle contractions of the lower body that help maintain normal
To combat these negative effects, get out
of your chair and do some standing yoga. The following standing yoga postures
can help combat the ill effects of sitting and help increase your well-being
while improving your flexibility, balance and strength.
Do these yoga
postures during a 10-minute work break or one at a time throughout the day to
get you up and out of your chair. Do each posture at your own level, using your
comfort as a guide. You can hold on to the back of your chair with one or both
hands if needed for support or balance.
Avoid pain or
strain—adapt or avoid postures as needed for comfort and safety.
Hold each for 3
to 6 breaths or for as long as you can maintain a sense of steadiness with ease
and a rhythmic breath.

Preparatory: Mountain posture
Feel yourself becoming steady, present
and calm.
- Stand
with your feet together, big toes touching, feet parallel.
- Lift
and spread your toes. Feel the soles of your feet making contact with the
- Firm
your leg muscles.
- Lengthen
your tailbone toward the floor—draw your navel up in toward your spine.
- Lift
your sternum, keeping your collarbones and shoulder blades wide.
- Bring
your chin parallel with the floor, and the crown of your head lifted toward the
- Soften
your face.
- Close
your eyes. Sway side to side and forward and back.
- Gradually
stop swaying and stabilize until you feel completely balanced.
- Notice
your breath. Breathe through your nose.
- Extend
your inhales and exhales.
- Hold
the mountain posture for 5 to 10 breaths.

Feel the power of your body supporting
itself without sitting in the chair.
- Stand
with your feet together.
- While
inhaling, lift your arms up, palms facing inward.
- Exhale.
Bend your knees and sit back, inner thighs parallel.
- Shift
your weight into your heels and keep your torso lifted upright.
- Lengthen
your tailbone down and pull your abdominals inward.
- Keep
your arms stretched forward and your shoulder blades firm into your back.
- Gaze
straight ahead or at your thumbs for concentration.

Warrior 2
Cultivate your inner warrior to take on
life's challenges.
- Place
your feet apart 3½ to 4 feet.
- Turn
your right foot to the right and left foot slightly to the right. Line your
right heel up with your left arch.
- Inhale,
arms outward.
- Exhale,
bend your right knee so that it aligns directly above your ankle. Adjust your
stance as needed for alignment.
- Keep
your shoulders stacked over your hips.
- Lengthen
your tailbone down and pull your naval up and in.
- Stretch
your arms energetically outward, and relax your shoulders down away from your ears.
- Bring
your gaze over your right fingertips to help you focus.
- Repeat
the posture on your left side.

Allow yourself to feel capable and open
to new possibilities.
- Place
your feet apart 3½ to 4 feet.
- Turn
your right foot to the right and left foot slightly to the right. Line your
right heel with your left arch.
- Reach
arms outward.
- Inhale,
bend from your hip, extend your torso to the right.
- Exhale,
reach your right arm down, resting your right hand inside the right leg. Reach
your left arm to the sky.
- Keep
your knees straight but not locked.
- Stack
your shoulders on top of each other.
- Look
straight ahead or toward your right thumb if comfortable.
- Repeat
the posture on your left side.

Crescent lunge
Enjoy feeling strong and balanced at the
same time:
- Place
your right foot forward 3½ to 4 feet.
- Lift
your back left heel.
- Inhale,
raise your arms overhead, palms facing in.
- Exhale,
bend your right knee. Line up your right knee over your ankle. Adjust your
stance as needed for alignment.
- Keep
your back leg strong. Press through your back heel to stabilize.
- Lengthen
your tailbone down, and contract your abdominals up and in.
- Keep
your torso upright. Square your hips and shoulders forward toward the front of
your space.
- Keep
arms stretched upward and your shoulders relaxed down away from your ears.
- Keep
your head neutral and your gaze straight ahead.
- Repeat
the posture on your left side.

Warrior 1
Tap into your courage, perseverance and
inner calm—feel them increase with your breath.
- Move
your right foot forward 3½ to 4 feet.
- Turn
your left foot to 45 degrees. Line your right front heel with your left back
- Inhale,
and raise your arms upward, palms facing in.
- Exhale.
Bend your right knee in line over your ankle. Adjust your stance as needed for
- Keep
your back leg strong. Press through your back heel to stabilize.
- Keep
your torso upright. Square your hips and shoulders forward.
- Lengthen
your tailbone down and pull your belly in.
- Keep
your arms stretched upward. Relax your shoulders away from your ears.
- Keep
your head neutral and your gaze straight ahead.
- Repeat
the posture on your left side.

Grow your concentration and balance and allow
Tree Posture to remind you to find life balance.
- Place
your weight on your left leg and find your balance. Spread your toes out and
stand equally on each part of the foot.
- Keep
your left leg strong with your knee straight.
- Bend
your right knee and turn it outward to the right.
- Place
the sole of your right foot above or below your left knee.
- Keep
your hips level. Lengthen your tailbone down and draw your navel up and in
toward your spine.
- Place
your palms together at your heart or extend your arms to the sky.
- Find
a focal point at eye level and keep a steady gaze.
- Repeat
the posture on your left side.

Closing: Mountain posture
Carry flexibility, strength, balance,
steadiness and inner calm with you as you move through your day.
- Repeat
mountain posture (first pose).
- Close
your eyes and allow yourself time and space for observation.
- Allow
your body, mind and breath to become light and effortless. Notice the
subtleties of your breath, the sensations in your body and how you feel
- Hold
for 5 to 10 breaths until you feel ready to move on with your day.
Inhale, raising your arms overhead. Open your
eyes. Exhale, arms down.