Strengthen your body with squats
Michelle Johnson, CHWC
The squat is one of the all-around
best exercises to do for your lower body. It strengthens and tones muscles in your
thighs, butt and calves and improves posture,
balance, flexibility and inner core strength. Squatting also improves bone mineral
density to keep your bones strong.
Include squats in your exercise
routine two to three days a week to reap the benefits from this dynamite move.
Rest at least one day to allow muscle recovery.
Squatting form
1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, toes pointed slightly outward with your shoulders back and relaxed.
2. Keep your shoulders level, then slowly squat down
by pushing your hips back and bending at your knees.
3. Hold the position for two seconds, then
slowly stand up again.
4. To complete one set, repeat this movement 10 to
15 times with no rest between reps.
5. Rest 30 to 60 seconds.
6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for two to three more
sets of the exercises.
Squatting tips
- Prior to squatting, perform a light warm up of five
to 10 minutes of light cardio, like walking or climbing stairs.
- Throughout the squat movement, tighten your abdominal muscles and keep your torso as upright as possible while maintaining a natural arch in your back.
- Your feet should be flat on the floor with your
weight on your heels. If your weight is distributed correctly you should be
able to wiggle your toes at any point during the squat.
- Try not to extend your knees beyond your toes.
If you find your knees are going too far forward, try pushing your hips back
- Do slow, gentle stretching after you are done
Like any exercise, it's
important to speak with your provider before starting squatting to ensure there
are no medical restrictions.
Things to do during coronavirus isolation
Posted April 9, 2020
Here in Minnesota and Wisconsin, we’re good at staying home on a snow day, but, weeks of coronavirus isolation are wearing a bit thin, especially now that spring is here. Once you’ve binge watched everything on your watch list, caught up on all your podcasts, Allina Health Patient Education shares some ideas for things to do during coronavirus isolation.
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