Did you know that the average 20
oz. cola has 16 teaspoons—or a quarter cup—of sugar? Most people don't
realize how much sugar they're drinking when it comes to popular soft drinks.
In fact, sugar-sweetened beverages are the leading source of added sugar in
many people's diets—and it's those calories that are adding to the nation's
obesity epidemic today. One of the simplest ways to reduce the amount of sugar
we drink is to eliminate sugar-sweetened beverages, which pack a big calorie
punch, but do little to satisfy hunger.
Allina Health is taking a stand
against the negative health effects of these sugar-sweetened beverages by
removing them from our hospitals, clinics, pharmacies and other places where we
sell beverages. We don't believe these options are good for health—and as
part of our mission to help people live their healthiest, we're making it
easier to choose healthy at our facilities.
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Let's not sugarcoat things.
Sugary drinks are the #1 source of added sugar in diets.
[Image of takeout cup and straw – 46 gallons]
Americans drink an average of 46 gallons of sugary drinks each year
[Image of hand and needlestick – 26%]
Just one sugary drink a day increases the risk of type 2 diabetes by 26%
[Image of soda bottle labeled sugar]
One 20 oz. cola has 16 heaping teaspoons of sugar
[Image of three people, one white, two red – 1 in 3]
1 in 3 cancer deaths in the U.S. is linked to excess body weight, poor nutrition and/or physical inactivity
[Image of a band-aid on a red heart – 7+]
Drinking 7 or more sugary drinks a week could increase your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease
[Image of a bathroom scale – 27%]
Just one sugary drink per day increases an adult's risk of becoming overweight by 27%
[Image of video buttons – Go, pause, end with text: Making it easier to choose healthy]
At Allina Health, we're committed to making it easier to choose healthy. That's why we no longer sell beverages that are pre-sweetened with added sugars or other caloric sweeteners. Give a healthy beverage choice a try instead. Learn more at allinahealth.or/choosehealthy