Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

The word "Together" with the Allina logo as the "O" and the tagline "We improve the health of all people in our communities by advancing efforts to eliminate systemic inequities and racism" with the infinity belonging logo at the bottom..

At Allina Health, diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging are fundamental to achieving our mission as a health care provider. We know that systemic racism, poverty and discrimination negatively impact the overall health and wellness of our communities. As an influential and intentional community member, we know it’s our responsibility to take action.

testimonial quote icon Lisa Shannon headshot
Creating an environment where everyone is seen, valued, and heard is paramount at Allina Health. Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging is a long-term commitment rooted in our values and caring mission. We purposefully shine a light on systemic barriers to equity and our responsibility to take action not just within halls of our hospitals, clinics, and offices, but also in the communities we serve. I am proud to lead an organization that celebrates and honors the unique qualities of all who walk through our doors.
Lisa Shannon, President and Chief Executive Officer
Our work

DEI&B Commitment Lenses

Together logo and: We remain focused on our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging commitments: as a health care provider, as an employer, as a community leader and partner, as a purchaser of goods and services, and as an investor in our diverse community.

By respecting and understanding the differences that shape our community, we enhance our ability to provide culturally sensitive care.

Allina Health uses its power as a purchaser to identify how we can help strengthen those areas in the communities we serve.

As a culturally-centered steward, we are motivated to understand the needs of the cities we serve, and make investments that do the most good possible.

Diversity fuels and uplifts our Allina community, allowing us to empathize and innovate for the patients and communities we serve.

We are accountable to patients, employees, and people who live in the communities we serve—of all races, ethnicities, gender identities, sexualities, abilities and economic means.

Stories of inclusion

Meet Christine Athmann, MD, a member of the White Earth Ojibwe tribe. Watch this brief video as she shares her journey of becoming a doctor and supporting a new generation of Native American providers through intentional mentoring relationships.

I grew up on the White Earth Reservation. I'm a descendant of the Ojibwe tribe. With a family that loved the outdoors, we fished, there was a lot of hunting, a very charmed upbringing. I was very lucky. But I never met a Native American physician so the idea of being a physician was not really on my radar.

Listen to your heart.

Not until the University of Minnesota contacted me before my senior year of high school, and had said, you know what? I think you should think about being a doctor. I mean, that was-- that was huge. I'm Christine Athman, I'm a family physician.

And we'll let you know as soon as we get that result back.

I went to undergrad at the university of Minnesota, Morris, and then I finished up at University of Minnesota, medical school in 2007. And the mentors that they connected us with were Native physicians who had already walked that path. I would not be the physician that I am today without those programs and without those people.

So in 2013 I became assistant director at the Native American Center for Health Professions, and I was no longer the mentee. I had turned into the mentor. And it was a joy to be working with students.

You're kind of going in and out.

And it's been wonderful to watch them be successful in their careers. Now that I am a doctor and I'm busy practicing medicine, mentorship is still extremely important to me. Engaging and motivating and cheering on and being a source of support for our students. It's a joy to be working with students and have the privilege to pay it forward.

Building a culture of allyship

We believe in the value of spaces where employees can build trust and relationship—one way this happens at Allina Health is through Employee Resource Groups (ERGs). ERGs are voluntary, employee-led communities that foster a diverse, inclusive workplace and serve as a support for members and organizations.

Through our ERGs, we experience silo-breaking and community-building as we interact with fellow Allina Health employees in a broader context. See our current groups below:

Together logo with six icons representing AWE, BIPOC, CARES, ABILITY, PRIDE, and VETERANS