Advanced standing exercises after hip replacement surgery

Your leg muscles probably feel weak because you didn't use them much with your hip problems. Surgery corrected the hip problem.

A regular exercise program will strengthen the weakened muscles. Your success with rehabilitation largely depends on your commitment to follow the exercise program developed by your therapists.

Standing exercises for legs

Do the following advanced standing exercises only if you are instructed by a therapist or surgeon to do so. They can also advise how many seconds to hold each exercise for.

Hold for ______ seconds.

1. Stand, holding on to a secure object. Lift one of your legs forward off the ground.

1. Stand, holding on to a secure object. Lift your leg forward off the ground.

2. Bring your knee up toward the ceiling, bending your knee.

2. Bring your knee up toward the ceiling, bending your knee.

3. Lift your leg out to the side.

3. Lift your leg out to the side.

Focus on keeping your back straight, standing tall. Also, make sure your toes are pointing forward.

4. Bend your knee, bringing your heel toward your buttocks.

4. Bend your knee, bringing your heel toward your buttocks.

5. Slowly lift your leg backward.

5. Slowly lift your leg backward, keeping your knee straight.

6. Bend your knees slightly.

6. Bend your knees slightly. Hold briefly.

7. Raise up onto the balls of your feet.

7. Raise up onto the balls of your feet.

Focus on keeping your back straight, standing tall. You should feel this in your calf muscles.

8. Raise your forefeet off the floor.

8. Raise your forefeet off the floor.

Focus on keeping your back straight and bringing your toes up. You should feel this in the front of your lower leg (shin).


Besides your exercise program, you must leave time for walking. Walking helps build your strength and endurance.

Walk around your home three to five times each day. Trips to the bathroom or kitchen are not enough. Progress to walking outside and in the community.

Source: Allina Health's Patient Education Department, Hip Replacement, eighth edition, ortho-ah-90139
First Published: 10/01/2000
Last Reviewed: 10/01/2020