Food and liquid restrictions before surgery

These directions are based on your scheduled arrival time. Not following these directions could mean your surgery will be delayed or canceled.

Alcohol and tobacco: 24 hours

  • Do not drink any alcohol 24 hours before your scheduled arrival time.
  • Do not smoke, vape, use chewing tobacco or use any other tobacco products up to 24 hours before your scheduled arrival time. 

Solid foods: 8 hours

  • Eat up to 8 hours before your scheduled arrival time.
    • Eat light meals such as oatmeal or toast.
    • Do not eat foods that are heavy or high in fat such as meat or fried foods.

Clear liquids: 2 hours

  • Drink only clear liquids up to 2 hours before your scheduled arrival time.
    • Drink water, fruit juice without pulp, black coffee, clear pop or tea.
    • Do not have milk, yogurt, energy drinks or alcohol.


  • Take your medicines as directed with a small sip of water.  

Source: Allina Health's Patient Education Department, Hip Replacement, eighth edition, ortho-ah-90139
First Published: 10/01/2000
Last Reviewed: 02/12/2025