Studies have shown that if your mind and body are ready for surgery you may sleep better and have less anxiety and pain. Your hospital stay may also be shorter.
The Penny George™ Institute for Health and Healing offers services to help you as you prepare for and recover from surgery. Call 612-863-3333612-863-3333 for more information, or ask your health care team which services are offered at your hospital.
Progressive muscle relaxation is a short and easy exercise to help you relax and relieve some of your pain.
Find a relaxing position. You may sit down or lie on your back in bed. Be sure your legs and hands are not crossed.
You may close your eyes. If you prefer, you can keep your eyes open but focus on one spot in front of you.
Bring your attention to your breathing. Think about where your breath comes in and out of your nose or mouth. Think about how your chest moves up and down with each breath.
Imagine a gentle, safe wave of relaxation that will slowly and warmly flow through your body. The wave can help you find those places that need to relax and give them permission to relax.
You can also imagine this wave in any way you find most comfortable. You may see it as light, water or just a feeling.
If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to your breathing.
Take a moment to observe the still place you created. With practice, relaxation will become easier.