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Eat the whole egg

If tossing the egg yolk has been a part of your morning omelet routine, step away from the trash can. You can eat the whole egg without sending your cholesterol through the roof (the real culprit is likely the bacon and hash browns).

Updated research from the American Heart Association tells us that their guideline of no more than three eggs a week and ditching the yellow are old school. Yes, the yolk does contain all the cholesterol that is found in an egg, but the health benefits outweigh its bad reputation. The American Heart Association now endorses a one egg a day – yolk and all – meal plan. The egg should replace some of those higher cholesterol choices like beef or dairy. 

With nearly seven grams of protein – 40 percent of that found in the yolk – eggs are brimming with nutrients, essential amino acids, vitamins and heart-healthy unsaturated fats. Eggs are also the least expensive source of protein out there. 

Other protein sources, like beef, lamb or pork, bring saturated fat to your plate and can also be high in calories. Another win for the egg: a large egg is about 70 calories. 

I have my own chickens and love having a fresh egg for breakfast! If you're whipping up an omelet, quiche or other recipes that call for more than one egg, it's best to combine whole eggs with egg whites to maintain a good balance of nutrition, cholesterol and fat. It's also important to talk to your provider before changing your egg routine. 


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