Tips for making healthy choices this Thanksgiving
Don't let fears
about unhealthy foods ruin the upcoming Thanksgiving and year-end holiday
season. You can still enjoy wonderful Thanksgiving recipes while including healthy choices into your holiday meal plans. By adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes
nutritious foods, right-sized portions and a little exercise will help you
maintain a good energy level, improve your mood, and help you handle the
busy holiday season.
Here are some tips
to get you started:
Eat at your normal
meal times before your Thanksgiving feast, to ensure that you are not hungrier
than usual.
Offer to bring a
healthy dish to share to guarantee that you will have something nutritious to
Make half your
plate fruit and non-starchy vegetables.
When indulging in
less nutritious treats (like high-calorie, high-sugar or fatty foods), take a small portion.
Balance your food choices. Think about what nutrients your body still needs. Do you need more vegetables? How about an extra piece of fruit? Or should your food choices include something with protein and carbs.
Chew your food well
and eat slowly. Pause every so often,
put down your fork, take a few deep breaths and pay attention to what your
body is telling you. Stop eating when you are full. Remember that you don't
have to eat until you are uncomfortable. Instead, enjoy leftovers the next day!
Choose lower
calorie or no-calorie drinks when possible. Don't forget to drink enough water throughout the day.
And after you've feasted take the crew out for a walk, go shopping or do something
active indoors.
Cauliflower: the hippest veggie in the crisper drawer
Posted April 16, 2015
Roasted, pureed, sautéed, mashed, steamed, chopped, and even disguised as rice, cauliflower's versatility makes it a worthy addition to any plate—or even the star.
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