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young woman in kitchen eating foods that relieve stress: bowl of oatmeal with fresh berries


Best foods to relieve stress and anxiety

  • Nutrients in certain foods can reduce stress.
  • Berries help to lower blood pressure and cortisol levels.
  • Asparagus can stabilize your mood.

When it comes to relieving stress and anxiety, a good defense may be your best offense. In other words, eat to be ready for stress instead of succumbing to cravings created by stress.

A variety of good foods offer healthy, natural stress relief – and there are easy ways to incorporate them into meals and snacks that help to keep you physically and mentally fit. 

How does healthy eating reduce stress?

Meats, fruits and vegetables that enhance your body's ability to handle stress and anxiety often have a combination of powerful essential nutrients, including:

  • fiber
  • vitamins
  • protein
  • omega-3 fatty acids
  • magnesium.

These nutrients and others work together to help your body maintain a healthy metabolism, energy levels and general good mood.

Foods that reduce stress naturally

Even small changes to your eating habits can make a difference to your health over time. Try incorporating some of these stress-relieving foods into your meals to see if you feel better.


Bowl of oatmeal, a natural stress reliever

This easy-to-make comfort food is a complex carbohydrate. It keeps your blood sugar steady and reduces the level of stress hormones in the brain. Oatmeal's nutrients help regulate the chemical serotonin in your body, which increases relaxation, calmness and creativity.

Pro tip: Instead of topping your oatmeal with refined sugar, take advantage of naturally sweet ingredients. Make oatmeal with apples and raisins for a touch of sweetness and extra vitamin C. 


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The high amount of vitamin C in strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries is what makes them a stress-fighting food. Vitamin C helps the body regulate blood pressure and cortisol levels after high stress. Berry's benefits also include antioxidants and fiber.

Pro tip: Enjoy berries as a side dish or mix fresh or frozen ones into a smoothie. 


Asparagus helps reduce stress

This springtime vegetable is high in iron and folate, one of the many B vitamins. These nutrients in asparagus can help support your mood and brain health, and reduce feelings of depression and anxiety.

Pro tip: Asparagus is versatile, so try adding this vegetable in different ways to meals. It can be eaten fresh, grilled, steamed, sautéed, or broiled with olive oil.  

Salmon and tuna

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Salmon and tuna are great sources of lean protein, a nutrient necessary for maintaining muscle mass and strength. Salmon and tuna are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential fats for a healthy brain, and have been shown to keep the stress hormone cortisol under control and regulate adrenaline levels.

Pro tip: Non-fish eaters can get omega-3 fatty acids by incorporating hemp hearts or chia seeds into a salad. 

Nuts and seeds

nuts and seeds in bowls on counter

Omega-3 fatty acids are also found in some seeds and nuts, including flaxseed, chia seeds and walnuts. The oils in these ingredients can help protect against heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure. Nuts are high in protein and a great addition to snacks for even blood sugar balance and to prevent mid-day mood or energy crashes.

Pro tip: Nuts and seeds are a good way to get some magnesium and other minerals into your snacks and meals.


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While oysters may be best known as an aphrodisiac, they are also a stress-relieving food chock full of zinc, which helps boost your body's serotonin levels. Oysters also have B vitamins and magnesium. B vitamins help support your mood and relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression. Magnesium can help with fatigue, headaches and other physical symptoms of stress

Pro tip: B vitamins also aid in memory and can reduce premenstrual mood symptoms.

Dark chocolate

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This sweet treat not only satisfies your taste buds but helps relieve stress because the antioxidants and polyphenols can reduce the level of cortisol in the body. Dark chocolate is made from the cacao plant, which is also rich in Magnesium for a calming effect on the body. Look for dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 70% or higher.  

Pro tip: Be aware that some dark chocolate desserts may contain added sugars, so treat yourself in moderation.

Chamomile tea

cup of chamomile sooths stress

Chamomile tea is a well-known stress-soothing tea. It helps to calm stomach distress and relieve migraine-type headaches. Chamomile tea decreases stress with its wonderful muscle-relaxing properties.

Pro tip: After a stressful day, sip a cup before bed and peacefully drift off for a good night’s sleep.

Things to avoid or limit to help reduce stress

You give your body fuel by eating healthy ingredients and you deplete your energy stores when you don't. Limit or avoid these drinks and foods to feel less stressed:

  • alcohol
  • caffeinated beverages
  • sugary snacks
  • highly processed foods
  • red meat and fried foods.

Stress is part of our daily lives. Remembering to make good choices about the foods you eat will give your body the essential nutrients to keep you healthy and functioning at your best. 


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