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Community health needs assessments video

Learn how Allina Health is responding to what's important to community as identified through the Community Health Needs Assessments in 2016.

[MUSIC PLAYING] Allina Health strives to make our communities healthier by listening to what is important to them and engaging people in meaningful ways.

We're a large organization. We're fortunate enough to touch about one in three Minnesotans' lives. You are so much more than your physical being, so when we're caring for you, we're not caring for just an organ system. We're caring for all of you and what matters to you, as well as what's the matter with you.

Allina Health conducts a community health needs assessment every three years to better understand the health of our communities and identify the priorities people in our communities care about most. In 2016, through 22 community meetings, almost 400 people joined the journey to set goals for the health of their community. Through these community conversations, two common priorities emerged-- mental health and wellness, and healthy eating and active living. Each Allina Health Hospital created a plan to address these community health priorities over the next three years. Plans include developing innovative community partnerships, making strategic charitable investments, and continuing to engage the community in meaningful ways to support better health for all.

Mental health and wellness was the first common priority identified in the community health needs assessment. One in five people will have a mental health condition in a given year. Allina Health is the largest provider of mental health services in Minnesota and is leading the way in supporting people who live with mental health conditions.

One example is supporting the annual Nami Minnesota Walk. Allina Health provides charitable support to Nami Minnesota and encourages employees to participate in the walk. The more employees who participate, the larger the charitable contribution Allina Health will make to Nami Minnesota.

Mental health is just part of our overall well-being. If we don't feel well, we don't think well. We're not clear. We could self-medicate. We could find ourselves dealing with anxiety, depression. If you don't feel well, you don't do well.

Let's walk for mental illness.

Another example of how Allina Health is addressing mental health is through Change to Chill, a program that provides teens the tools they need to stress less and care for their mental well-being when life becomes overwhelming. It includes classes and online resources for mindfulness, resiliency, and deep breathing exercises.

A lot of students know that they have some kind of struggle with emotional regulation, with stress management, whatever it be. And they just aren't sure what they can do to empower themselves to help them. And a big piece is the education of what they can do.

Change to Chill has reached more than 50,000 people, including teachers who use it in their classrooms, teens who use it in social groups, and parents looking for ways to help their child stress less. Healthy eating and active living was the second common priority area identified in the community health needs assessment. Allina Health improves healthy eating and active living by investing charitable dollars and resources into community programs and activities to improve access to healthy food, help people understand nutrition, and inspire more fun physical activity throughout our communities. One way Allina Health improves nutrition is through partnerships to provide nutrition education in the community.

I feel it's a really important service within the community, not only helping low-income families figure out how to navigate a grocery store, how to navigate a recipe, how to cook healthfully for their family on a budget, it also brings people together. Food is the first line of defense for any of these serious diseases. We teach people how to use fresh ingredients, whole ingredients, so they can get away from the canned foods, the processed foods, cook for themselves.

I don't really cook at home. I just microwave food, and this helps us learn how to cook. And it's great, because I don't really vegetables that much.

These folks will definitely take away these skills and this knowledge that they have learned and apply it to their everyday life.


Thank you, Allina.

Allina Health supports active living in many ways, such as partnering with Free Bikes for Kids, to give bikes to kids in need so they can be active and develop a lifelong love of biking. Since 2011, Allina Health has collected more than 30,000 bikes for Free Bikes for Kids, who repairs them and gets them ready for their new owners. Every child receives a new bike helmet and bike safety information, as well.

We feel so privileged and proud, actually, to have this deeper understanding of our community and its health and its needs, and what this community health needs assessment will do and how it will craft our care going forward.