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Best of the blog: 2017 edition

We're kicking off 2018 with a recap of some of our most popular health and well-being articles from 2017. Cheers to a healthy and happy 2018, for all the you that's possible.

Top six articles from 2017

1. 6 time-tested tips to keep healthy this winter

6 time-tested tips to keep healthy this winter-thumb

2. What is a normal menstrual cycle?

What is a normal menstrual cycle - thumb

3. A doctor's journey from fat to fit

A doctor's journey from fat to fit: Following my own advice_thumb

4. Do you need a mental health day?

Do you need a mental health day?-thumb

5. 10 tips for weaning off sugar

10 tips for weening off sugar-thumb

6. Seven tips to keep you tick-free

Seven tips to keep you tick-free thumb


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What black women need to know about their hair loss

If you’re been told that your hairstyle “isn’t right if it isn’t tight” than you may be styling yourself bald. Learn more about how hairstyle practices may contribute to hair loss.

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