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Circumcision care

Circumcision care

You will need to provide special care until the penis is healed. For about 7 days, you need to:

  • Completely cover the tip of the penis with petroleum jelly after each diaper change. Or, use an antibiotic ointment if your baby's health care provider ordered it.
  • Look at the tip of the penis each time you change your baby's diaper. A yellowish-white film will appear on the tip of the penis until the healing is complete. This is normal.
  • Do not use baby wipes on the penis until the circumcision has healed.

Give your baby a sponge bath until the penis has healed. This can take from seven to 20 days.

Some health care providers use a circumcision device called a plastibell. This is a plastic ring that is placed under the foreskin and secured. It will fall off in five to eight days. This kind of circumcision needs the same kind of care except do not put petroleum jelly or ointment on the tip of the penis.

When to call your baby's health care provider

Problems with circumcision are rare. However, call your baby's health care provider right away if there is:

  • bleeding that doesn't stop
  • new bleeding
  • new or increased swelling
  • a foul-smelling drainage
  • redness on the shaft of the penis
  • redness at the tip of the penis that seems to be getting worse

In addition, if your baby is circumcised after leaving the hospital, call your baby's health care provider if your baby doesn't urinate normally within 12 hours after the circumcision.

Source: Allina Health's Patient Education, Guide for the Care of Children: Ages Birth to 5, sixth edition, ped-ah-91554
First Published: 02/01/2010
Last Reviewed: 11/16/2022