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How to burp your baby

How to burp your baby

Burping varies from baby to baby. Many babies need to bring up the air they swallowed while feeding or crying. Not all babies need to burp.

There are many different burping positions you can try. You will want to rub or gently pat your baby's back until you hear the burp. Be sure to support your baby's head and neck.


Position 1: sitting on your lap

Sit your baby upright on your lap.

Cup your baby's chin between your index finger and your thumb.

Lean your baby forward just a bit while you rub or tap their back.


Position 2: up on your shoulder

Place your baby facing the front of your shoulder with their chin close to the top of your shoulder.

Use one hand to support your baby's bottom.

Use your other hand to support your baby's back while you rub or tap.


Position 3: lying across your lap

Lay your baby across the top of one or both knees.

Support your baby's head with the palm of your hand.

Use your other hand to pat or rub their back.

Breastfed babies

Burp your baby after the first breast. Try to burp for one minute. If your baby doesn't burp, they don't need to.

Bottle-fed babies

Sometimes milk flows so quickly that a baby has to gulp to keep up with the flow. This leads to swallowing air. Try to burp halfway during the feeding and again at the end.

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Source: Allina Health's Patient Education, Guide for the Care of Children: Ages Birth to 5, sixth edition, ped-ah-91554
First Published: 02/01/2010
Last Reviewed: 11/16/2022