Newborns have small stomachs that are not much bigger than an almond. Babies need to feed every few hours. It is normal for new babies to feed eight to 12 times every 24 hours.
Newborns usually take between one-half to one ounce per feeding during the first week. Although it is difficult to measure the exact amount of milk, there are ways to reassure yourself and others that your baby is getting enough milk.
In general, you can tell if your baby is getting enough milk if:
Your baby's stomach grows from the size of an almond (day one) to a ping pong ball (day three) to a medium chicken egg (day seven). The amount of breastmilk your baby can hold will increase from one teaspoon to up to two ounces during that time.
Use the questions to ask when breastfeeding worksheet.
If you do not think your baby is getting enough milk, call your baby's health care provider or your lactation consultant.
After the first week your baby should have at least six wet diapers a day. If it is difficult for you to tell if the diaper is wet, you can put a sheet of facial tissue in the diaper. You can easily tell if the tissue is wet. Stop doing this when are reassured about your baby's urine output.
To keep track of your baby's wet diapers, use the baby's breastfeedings and diapers chart.
Most babies have their first bowel movement within a few hours after birth. You can expect your baby will have at least three soiled diapers a day by the third or fourth day.
Stools from breastfed babies change in color and consistency during the first week:
Colostrum and mature breastmilk will cause loose stools that pass easily. This helps prevent constipation.
It is normal for breastfed babies to have runny, seedy and yellowish stools.
To keep track of your baby's soiled diapers, use the baby's breastfeedings and diapers chart.
Your baby should regain their birth weight in 10 to 14 days. After that, most babies gain from four to eight ounces a week.
Your baby should wake every two to three hours and actively nurse. The time periods may be one to three hours during the day and three to four hours at night. Some babies cluster feed just before a longer sleep between feedings.