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Having a healthy pregnancy

Having a healthy pregnancy

Eat well

It is important to eat well. Make every calorie count by eating nutrient-rich foods. During this trimester you need to be sure you are getting the protein and calcium both you and your baby need. For suggestions about getting these nutrients, see weight gain and nutrition.

If you are gaining more than the recommended one-half to one pound each week, try cutting out "empty calories."

  • Replace soda with a little fruit juice added to sparkling water.
  • Snack on fruit, nuts and vegetables dipped in yogurt.
  • Broil or bake meats rather than fry them.
  • Choose low-fat or fat-free versions of dairy products.
  • Drink a glass of water before eating. Sometimes your body will send you a message that you are hungry when you are actually thirsty.


It is important to keep exercising. The additional weight you are carrying means you will need to adapt your routine. Use as lower pace. You should be able to talk while you are exercising. Be sure to warm up and cool down. Drink water throughout your exercise time.

Your growing baby and belly have changed your center of gravity and affected your balance. Consider riding a stationary bike rather than your regular bike. Walking and swimming are good exercises. They help reduce the swelling in your feet and ankles as well as improve your circulation.

Be sure to do pelvic tilt or rocking exercises each day. In addition, help reduce lower backache by wearing comfortable low-heel shoes. If you need to stand for a length of time, move around a bit every few minutes. Or, put one foot on a low stool or box to help keep a pelvic tilt. Switch feet every few minutes.

Consider a shot to prevent whooping cough

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that you talk with your health care provider about getting a Tdap shot between 27 and 36 weeks of pregnancy. This shot will give your baby short-term protection against whooping cough until they can be vaccinated at two months old.

If you haven’t been able to quit smoking, it’s not too late.

Quitting tobacco as soon as possible is the best for you and your baby. All tobacco products, including electronic forms, are considered dangerous to you and your unborn baby.

Learn more about the risks of tobacco use during pregnancy. To get help with quitting tobacco, resources are listed in the quit smoking section of the resources page.

Source: Allina Health Patient Education, Beginnings: Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond, eighth edition, ob-ah-90026
First Published: 10/04/2002
Last Reviewed: 12/06/2021