Kaansarka Mindhicirka iyo Malawadka
Ka Fiirsashada Ikhtiyaaradaada Baadhista Kaansarka Mindhicirka iyo Malawadka (Considering Your Options for Colorectal Cancer Screening)
Weydiiso turjubaan
Waxaad xaq u leedahay turjubaan caafimaad oo lacag la'aan ah. Fadlan farta ku fiiq luqadaada. Turjubaan caafimaad baa laguugu yeerayaa ee sug.
Shuruucda Allina Health
Ballan sameyso

Wac rugtaada caafimaad oo balan ka qabso. Rugtaada caafimaad ayaa tilmaameysa in turjubaan loo baahan yahey.

Raadi rug caafimaad oo magaaladaada ku taala.

Kaansarka Mindhicirka iyo Malawadka

Kaansarka Mindhicirka iyo Malawadka

Kaansarka mindhicirka iyo malawadku wuxu ka bilaabmaa mindhicirka ama malawadka. Waa sababta labaad ee keenta geeri/u dhimashada kansar gudaha Maraykanka.

Baadhitaano Joogto ah

Kaansarka mindhicirka iyo malawadka waxay daweyntu sida ugu fiican wax uga tartaa marka goor hore la helo ee loo daweeyo sida ugu dhakhsaha badan ee suurtogal ah. Baadhistu waxay bilaabataa da’da 45 jir. Allina Health waxay ku talisaa 3 baadhitaan:

  • mindhicir-fiirin (colonoscopy): Baadhitaankan waxaa lagu sameeyaa rug caafimaad ama isbitaal 10-kii sanaba hal mar. Daryeel bixiyaha ayaa isticmaala kamarad yar oo nal leh si looga eego mindhicirkaaga burooyin ama kansar.
  • FIT (iFOBT): Baaritaankan saxarada sanadkiiba hal mar ayaa lagu sameeyaa guriga. Wuxuu ka eegaa sambalka saxaradaada dhiig aan caadi ahayn. Waxaad sambalka u direysaa shaybaarka si loo baaro. Baadhitaankan waxaa kaloo loo yaqaan iFOBT.
  • sFIT-DNA Cologuard®): Baaritaankan saxarada waxaa lagu sameeyaa guriga 3dii sanaba mar. Waxay hubinaysaa dhiig aan caadi ahayn iyo sidoo kale DNA ga kansarka ama xab la socda muunada saxaradaada oo dhan. waxaad muunada u dirtaa shaybaarka si loo baadho.

Baadhista badanaa waxaa bixiya ceymis bixiyaha. Wac kaaga si aad u ogaatid inta uu kaarkaaga caafimaadka bixinayo.


Waad caawin kartaa kahortagga kaansarka mindhicirka iyo malawadka.

  • Ha lagaa qaado baadhitaano joogto ah.
  • Baro haddii waalidiintaada ama walaalahaa ay leeyihiin burooyin.
  • Cun cuntooyin u ku yar yahay dufan ama subag oo u ku badan yahay duf (fiber) ama buushe. Cun furut, khudaar iyo xabuub dhammeystiran.
  • Ha isticmaalin tubaako.
  • Xaddid khamriga.
  • Samee jimicsi joogto ah oo joogtee miisaan caafimaad leh.
Doorasho Sida Loo Diyaariyo Khatarta Suurtagalka ah
  • U raac tilmaamaha si taxadar leh si aad u faaruqiso (u nadiifiso) mindhicirkaaga.
  • Waxaad u baahan doontaa inaad aado musqusha marar badan. Qorsheyso inaad ag joogto musqul inta lagu jiro wakhtigan.
  • Qorsheyso in qof kuu kaxeeyo guriga. Waad hurdoon mana awoodi doontid inaad [gaadhi] kaxeysid.
  • ka qaadida falcelin xun hurdaysiinta
  • dhiig bax meeshii laga qaaday sambalka ama laga saaray burada
  • jeexitaan (dalool) ku sameysma mindhicirka ama malawadka (wuxuu saameeyaa 10,000-ba 4 qof)
  • Akhri tilmaamaha. Soo ururi sambalka oo ku soo dir boostada 1 illaa 3 maalmood gudahood.
  • Xidhmadaadu waxay leedahay taariikh ay dhaceyso.
  • Waa inaad qaado sambalka saxarada sida ugu dhaqsaha badan ee aad awoodid marka ay ku soo gaadho xidhmada.
  • u baahashada baadhitaanka mindhicir-fiirinta haddii dhiig qarsoon laga helo sambalkaaga
  • waayidda burooyin
  • waayidda kansar haddii aanad iska baadhin sanad walba
sDNA-FIT (Cologuard®)
  • Akhri tilmaamaha. Soo ururi sambalka oo ku soo dir boostada 24 saac gudahood.
  • Xidhmadaadu waxay leedahay taariikh ay dhacayso.
  • Waa inaad qaado sambalka saxarada sida ugu dhaqsaha badan ee aad awoodid marka ay ku soo gaadho xidhmada.
  • u baahashada baadhitaanka mindhicir-fiirinta haddii dhiig qarsoon laga helo sambalkaaga
  • waayidda burooyin
  • waayidda kansar haddii aadan iska baadhin 3-dii sanaba mar

I want to talk to you about a very important step you can take to protect your health and help prevent the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States – colorectal cancer.

Colorectal cancer may affect the colon, rectum, or both.

The colon, or large intestine, is a long, muscular tube that removes water from waste and then turns it into stool. The stool goes through the rectum and leaves your body through the anus.

Colorectal cancer occurs in this part of your body when old cells that should die continue to live, and new cells that aren't needed continue to grow and divide – forming cancerous growths that destroy the colon or rectum. Cancer can also spread to other parts of your body.

Colorectal cancer often has no warning signs, but sometimes people have signs including blood in the stool, change in bowel movements – such as constipation or diarrhea, pain in your belly, and a pencil-shaped stool.

If the cancer is found and treated early, about 9 out of 10 people who have colorectal cancer may live for another five years. If the cancer is found late, only about 1 out of 10 people live for five years; the other nine will die.  

Anyone can get colorectal cancer, but certain people are at a higher risk – especially African-American men and women, as well as any man or woman with a family history of colorectal cancer.

It is important to know that colorectal cancer can be treated if it is found early and removed. "Screening" is the process of looking for cancer, or for growths – called polyps – that can turn into cancer. 

It is important to know that colorectal cancer can be prevented. "Screening tests" are used to find cancer. Experts agree that everyone should have a colorectal cancer screening soon after turning 50.

If you are 50 or older, call your doctor to set up a screening appointment.

At your appointment, you will learn about the different screening tests to search for colorectal cancer.

A common screening test is called a colonoscopy – where a flexible tube with a tiny camera is inserted in your colon. The doctor can then see if you have any polyps. Polyps can be removed during this procedure.

To prepare for a colonoscopy, you will need to drink special liquids in your home that will clean your intestine. The liquids will help you have bowel movements to clean your colon before the colonoscopy.

You will also need to fast before your colonoscopy. Your doctor will give you instructions on how to fast.

Before you go to the hospital or clinic, make sure you arrange for a family member or friend to drive you home after the procedure. You will not be allowed to drive or use public transportation after your colonoscopy.

Right before your colonoscopy, your doctor will give you medicine that will make you sleepy and help you be more comfortable during the procedure. A colonoscopy takes less than an hour, but you should plan on being at the facility for about two hours.

Colonoscopies are done once every 10 years. You may need to have the procedure done more often if you have had any polyps.

Another screening test is called a fecal test. This is a common test where you will collect a small stool sample using a kit in the privacy, comfort, and convenience of your own home. The kit you receive comes with a small stick or brush to collect the sample, a small container to place the sample, and an envelope to mail the sample to your doctor. You will not need to touch the stool.

The fecal test is used to search for tiny amounts blood in your stool that may be caused by cancer in your colon or rectum. If blood is found in your stool, you will need more tests.

A fecal test is done once every year.

Both screening tests should be covered by most insurance plans. Check with your insurance provider before getting a screening test to make sure it is covered by your plan.

To prevent colorectal cancer, the most important thing you can do is get screened if you are 50 years of age or older. Make an appointment with your doctor. Colorectal cancer screening has saved many lives, and it could save yours as well.

Akhbaarta meeshaan uqoran waxaa loogu talagaley inay taageerto, maha iney bedasho xiriirka ka dhexeeyabukaanka iyo dhakhtarkiisa ama dhakhtarkeeda.

Source: Allina Health's Patient Education Department, Kaansarka Mindhicirka iyo Malawadka, can-somali-ah-15433 (1/21)
First Published: 01/15/2015
Last Reviewed: 06/29/2022